Engr Saman Bibi
3 min readJun 16, 2022

Blog 1

Project 1: Getting Closer to your Mega Project Problem (10 points)

Goal: To think about issues for your Mega Project, visit communities, and take pictures of the problem you would want to share with your group.

I am living in a rural area. Here study is approx. negligible for poor people. Few students due to luck may get an education. Due to lack of education, their lives are miscible. When they come to their practical lives, they don’t know what they could do. In the end, they all will become labor and come for work. Due to a large amount of labor, few of them can get work and others come back with empty hands. I am unable to remove poverty but I can educate a few children and make their life good. How they lived in homes without money. I want a team to do work on it in different areas. My family already supports me for this and working with me as a team. I want to open tuition for these types of students who cannot afford tuition and private school fees. I want to admit to government school and during tuition time we will give that type of environment that they can get study because in government school few students are serious in study. I want to give that time to the environment so that they can study and know the importance of knowledge. I had already done this work for three students. Now they are serious about studying. My short goal is to educate a few students and my long-term goals are that I will open an organization, a platform that will work on it in Pakistan. In this way when these students will become adult and come into practical life they will never get labor issues and their families will not face money issues

Figure 1: Labor without Work

Figure 2:Poor Children without Study

Figure 3:Poor Children without House due to lack of work and money

Figure 4: Miscible Condition of Child who is earning for herself